THEWORD, Electronic Bible- all free, with no bugs. It is the most complete version of the free world and offers features not found in the paid versions. In the standard version, comes with text in English of the King James Version of 1769, the version of the Darby Bible, 1889 and web version. You can download translations in several languages. Besides the common features found in all electronic versions, it provides a tool for comparative study of various versions of the text at the same time, allows automatic download of the biblical text in six languages, including Greek. It also offers brand texts, quick search, notes to verses and footnotes. The program can be set for several layouts: novice, simple and complete study. In the layout "study," she opens up to four windows with the versions selected, allowing to compare the texts of Kjv with WEB, the Darby and Greek, for example. It is a unique tool for those working in various languages and versions. It takes some time to explore all the tools. Allows choice of language for the visualization software in Portuguese. also offers several books that can be downloaded directly from the site. Just down the install to give all their resources.
Software: Electronic Bible THE WORD
Platform: Windows9x/Me/2000/XP Distribution: Freeware
Limitations: No expire
Size: 5.47 Mb (configuration below)
More details, clique aqui
To download the basic version, clique aqui -1.51 Mb
To download the English versions only clicar aqui-3, 96 Mb
NOTE: download the basic version and English version, then install.
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